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10 Effective home remedies for clear spotless face in a week

 We all desire for a flawless and radiant skin. But spots and blemishes play spoilsport and make it a distant dream. If you wish to have a clear and flawless skin, then rest your worries. It’s time to tackle these skin issues and flaunt a clear and spotless skin.

Spots on the skin are caused due to sebum, which builds up beneath the skin surface. Makeup is a temporary solution to this problem; they can only camouflage, not cure your skin problems. Using cheap cosmetic products can make your skin greasy and further aggravate the problem. The best way to get a clear and spotless skin is to depend on natural home remedies as they are always safe, reliable, and cheap! Moreover you don’t need to crawl through the internet to find these home remedies! Here are 10 best clear skin home remedies that will help you to get the clear and spotless skin you always wanted.

Home Remedies for Clear Skin

1. Lemon Juice:

Lemon juice is very effective against dark spots and marks. They can fade away dark spots and acne marks very easily. Lemon is rich in Citric acid and Vitamin C, which works on renewing the skin cells. Take a lemon, cut it into two halves. Take one half of the lemon and rub it in circular motion on the affected area directly. Rub for 5 minutes and wash off your face. With regular usage, dark spots will lighten visibly.

2. Potato Slices:

Potatoes are yet another natural product that helps to get rid of dark spots. Potatoes contain special enzymes that act as natural bleach. They can easily work on dark spots and also brightens the skin complexion. Cut a potato in round slices, take a slice and apply it to your face directly. Rub for 5 minutes, and then wash off with water. Using this ever popular vegetable can give you spotless, bright complexion in a jiffy!

3. Neem (Margosa leaves) Water:

Neem juice has been used in India to cure face problems since ancient times. The ancient Hindu texts are replete with stories singing the praise of the neem tree! Neem leaves are anti bacterial and helps to get rid of skin redness. Wash few neem leaves, make a paste with water and apply it on your pimple or acne marks. Keep it for 10 minutes and wash off with water. Neem is good for sensitive skin too. Is it not a wonder that most skin care products claim to contain neem extracts?

4. Turmeric Paste:

Turmeric is a natural antiseptic and is widely used to cure minor cuts and wounds in our home. It is also a skin lightening agent that helps to clear acne marks from the face naturally. Mix turmeric with water and make a thick paste. Apply it to your face, keep it for 5 minutes and wash off with cold water. Turmeric is safe for all skin types and with regular use, you can see the difference in your skin in just a few weeks.

5. Aloe-Vera Gel:

Aloe-Vera gel works wonder for humans. They are used to cure diseases widely all over the world. This is one of the best natural remedies for clear skin. They have anti-septic properties that help to soothe the skin while getting rid of blemishes and redness. Aloe-Vera also removes dark spots and helps your skin glow with health. Apply gel from the Aloe-Vera leaf on your face directly. Aloe-Vera may not always work for all skin types so it is advised to do a patch test before applying it on your face.

6. Tomato Juice:

Tomato juice acts as a natural bleaching agent and works to rid the face of unwanted marks and blemishes. Tomatoes are a rich source of anti-oxidants and help to keep skin youthful. Make a paste of tomato with rose water and apply it on your dark spots. Keep it for 10 minutes. Reapply and keep it for another 10 minutes then wash it off with water. Tomatoes also help to tone the skin besides clearing dark spots.

7. Strawberry Face Pack:

Strawberries are rich in anti-oxidants like Vitamin C and can be used as a face pack to remove marks and spots naturally. Mash few strawberries and mix them with 2 table spoons of yogurt. Blend the mixture well and apply it to your face and neck. Keep this pack on for 20 minutes and then wash off with water. The presence of Omega 3 fatty acids and salicylic acid in strawberries makes it a wonderful remedy to cure pimple marks, dark spots along with making the skin tone even.

8. Egg-white Face Pack:

Egg-white helps to get rid of acne marks easily and naturally. Take some gram flour, mix it with 2 egg whites and add a few drops of lemon juice to it. Make a fine paste and apply it on your face and neck. Keep it for 20 minutes then wash it off with water. This pack will help to get rid of dull and uneven skin tone; it will also lighten spots on your face. Use this pack once a week for best results. Is it not one of the wonderful home remedies to get clear glowing skin?

9. Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil helps to get rid of blemishes, dark spots and uneven skin tone. This essential oil is used widely in skin treatments. Natural tea tree oil is easily available and you can dab the oil using a cotton ball on the affected area directly and leave it to dry. Tea tree oil soothes skin and also evens out the complexion – giving you radiant and flawless skin instantly!

10. Mint Juice:

Mint leaves works perfectly to remove acne spots along with curing acne. It also helps in removing dark circles. Blend mint leaves in a blender, take a Q-tip, dab it in and apply it on the affected area. Keep it for 5 minutes and wash it off with water. Use it thrice a week for best results. Mint leaves give a cooling effect and hence soothes your skin too.

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