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5 Best Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids

Piles or a hemorrhoid is a very painful condition of the anus that arises as result of the inflammation of veins in the rectum which can either be external or internal. The pain is often accompanied by bleeding and itching of the rectum. In most cases, hemorrhoid is caused by chronic constipation. This is due to too much pressure exerted during the defecation process that eventually results in bleeding and inflammation of the veins. The condition is commonly observed in people of all age brackets, though the condition is most painful in women who are pregnant. Painless bleeding is observed in the internal hemorrhoids while external hemorrhoids can be felt easily outside the anus. Hemorrhoids result to discomforts while sitting and can always land an individual into embarrassing situations.

In order to understand why these simple home remedies can help, we need to look first at the possible causes of the hemorrhoids.Some of the known contributing factors are pregnancy, straining when emptying the bowels, obesity, chronic constipation. Ironically, frequent diarrhea is also known to contribute.Hemorrhoids can be either internal or external and are most common in people over 40 as well as pregnant women. It’s said that over half of the population over the age of fifty has them.With that introduction, let’s now look at the simple home remedies. While they are not a substitute for a proper medical advice, they are based in common sense and are more than likely to bring relief.
1. Get more Fiber in Your Diet:
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This can be accomplished by eating more fresh fruit, rolled oats, oat bran, whole grains and other foods high in fiber.
2. Get Regular:
Avoiding constipation by regular visits to the toilet is usually a big help. Not only will it help relieve the discomfort associated with hemorrhoids, but it will also put less strain on the affected areas, allowing the body to repair some of the damage.One way to train your body to empty the bowels regularly is to sit on the toilet seat around the same time each day. Make a habit of it and your body will follow.
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Keeping your stools loose and avoiding constipation will go a long way towards a long term relief from hemorrhoids. It will also be healthier for you for other reasons, beyond the hemorrhoidal discomfort.
3. Lose Weight:
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Obesity is said to be a contributing factor, and it’s not just because of weight. Obese people tend to be more constipated as well. Anyhow, losing weight will have many other benefits for your health.
4. Drink Plenty of Plain Water:
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Water has many benefits. Amongst other things it will help to clean the toxins out of your body as well as it may help to empty the bowels regularly.Drink plenty of plain, clean water. Also, try to get into a habit of drinking at least one glass of water on empty stomach.
5. Go for Regular Walks:
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This will not only help you lose weight in the long run, but will also help you become more regular in the toilet.If you follow these five common-sense tips, you should experience at least some relief. And it will also be beneficial for your general health.

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion, do not undergo surgery as much as possible, you should try herbal treatment first if you can. By the way, good information here.
    herbal dietary supplement for piles


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