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Blood On Toilet Paper – Possible Causes

The appearance of blood on toilet paper is an awkward as well as troublesome problem. It usually happens because of blood in stool due to rectal bleeding. However, at times, there may be blood on toilet paper but not in stool.

As the problem can be caused by a variety of reasons, it is often advised to consult a doctor for proper guidance when self analysis does not help. On the upside though, the problem is not caused by serious issues in most of the cases.

Blood in toilet paper due to blood in stools may be caused by any injury or disorder in the digestive tract. The most common causes for blood on toilet paper are hemorrhoids and anal fissures that cause tearing in the lining of anus due to forceful bowel movement thereby resulting in mild bleeding.

Other reasons can be intestinal infections, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, hemorrhoids, etc. In case of children, this problem can also be caused by constipation. Therefore, it is highly recommended to have adequate amount of water and include a wide variety of nutritious and fibrous foods in the diet.

Conditions like Hemorrhoids, Diverticulosis or other such problems in the lower part of the gastro intestinal tract may give rise to the problem of bright red blood in stools. Diverticulosis is characterized by inflammation of diverticulum (abnormal small sacs that tend to develop on the lining the intestine).

Diverticular bleeding is usually painless when not accompanied by infection. Such bleeding tends to be more severe when compared to rectal bleeding due to anal fissures, hemorrhoids and colon tumors.

More Serious Causes for Blood on Toilet Paper

Moreover, the possibility of Angiodysplasia and polyps of the rectum leading to blood in bowel or on toilet paper can not be ruled out. Angiodysplasia or Arteriovenous malformations refer to abnormal collections of blood vessels.

This disease can either be acquired or inherited and is mostly a cause of concern in case of elderly individuals complaining of painless bleeding. Serious issues like tumor or colon cancer can give rise to mild and intermittent rectal bleeding.

Spots of blood on toilet paper due to dark red blood in stools are generally indicative of problems occurring higher up in the digestive tract; for instance, bleeding stomach or duodenal ulcers, gastritis, bowel ischemia etc.
Bowel Ischemia is caused by lack of oxygenated blood flow to the intestines, which in turn may be caused by obstruction in the colon, the presence of a blood clot or due to atherosclerosis characterized by narrowing of arteries carrying blood to the intestines.
The disease generally begins with inconsistent cramping pain in the abdomen that tends to become worse after having meals. Stomach ache and rectal bleeding increase as the disease progresses.

More often than mot, symptoms like dark or heavy bleeding accompanied by pain, anemia, lethargy and change in bowel habits should not be ignored. The treatment largely depends on accurate identification of the underlying cause.
Rectal examination, anoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are some of the most useful tests that help diagnose problems in the digestive tract resulting in the appearance of blood when you go to the toilet or blood on toilet paper.

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