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Top 9 Home Remedies To Increase Breast Size Naturally

The breasts happen to be one of the most appealing physical features of a woman. In addition to making a woman look more attractive, they can boost a woman’s self-confidence and moral esteem. Sadly, not every woman out there is endowed with the perfect pair of breasts that match her height, weight and personality.

It is believed that a major segment of men like women with larger breasts and this thought makes many women desire to have Read these effective home remedies to increase breasts Size naturally.
1. Yogurt :
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Daily 1 cup of yogurt with an empty stomach is very essential to enhance breast health naturally. Yogurt eatery has been found with healthy and bigger breasts. You can add fruits and vegetables to improve the taste of yogurt like blueberries, apples, strawberries and cucumbers too. Eating fats are helpful for this purpose.
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Whole milk, milk products, butter all of these are pretty helpful in increasing breast size. Whole milk is not low fat milk, but rich in fat… remember breast tissues are made of fat… you get the fat from fatty food for breasts.
3. Olive Oil Massage :
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Take Pomegranate peel off, pomegranate tree skin, pomegranate flower, pomegranate leaves and roots of pomegranate tree in equal quantity. Boil all the ingredients in Olive oil until they resolve in the oil. Cool it and filter it with a cotton cloth piece. Continued massage with this oil very much effective to increase breast size in one month positively.
4.  Fenugreek:
Fenugreek is considered as one of the foremost herbs recommended for natural breast enlargement . Available in the form of pills (need to be taken thrice a day) or creams, Fenugreek can also be used for home made remedies used for breast enlargement. Accordingly, all you would need to do is immerse 4-5 tablespoons of water in 2 cups of water and boil the same.
Add a pinch of caraway, licorice, anise and fennel for added effect.You can even add a spoon of honey to enhance the taste. After a good couple of minutes, strain the mixture and drink it warm. 2 cups of this tasteful concoction a day would have amazing effects on your breasts.
5. Red Lentils:
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Red lentils (Lens culinaris) are easily available and a cheap remedy for breasts enlargement. Soak some red lentils in warm water for about 1-2 hours. Grind them into a fine paste. Apply this paste all over the breasts and leave it on for at least half an hour, or till it has completely dried.You do not have to massage with this mix; just apply and leave it on. Wash it off with water after half an hour. This is a very simple home remedy which helps enhance the breast size and firms them up as well.
6. Wheat Germ Oil:
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Wheat germ oil can also be used for breast enlargement and to create a fuller profile. When massaged into the breasts, it will help increase blood flow to the area, ensuring proper nourishment and oxygen for proper metabolism. This will enhance breast size. Massage a few drops of wheat germ oil into your breasts in circular motions for 10 minutes.Follow this remedy two or three times daily to see improvement within a month.
7.Eat Radish:
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Radish has been linked to natural breast enhancement in several studies and is known to contain potent astringent properties that would help improve the blood flow to the local tissues, including those found in the breasts. Increased blood circulation to the breasts would help increase breast size quickly and effectively.
8. Eat Estrogenic Foods:
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Your breast size can significantly depend on the presence or absence of certain hormones in your body. While the presence of male hormones like testosterone can impede breast growth, absence of estrogen can also reduce breast development and leave you with small, underdeveloped breasts.
The best way to overcome this is to eat foods rich in estrogen. Excess levels of estrogen in the body would regulate the hormonal levels and help you achieve bigger breasts in a short span of time. Some of the best natural sources of estrogen include chicken head soup, anise seeds, soy foods, vegetables, legumes, fruits, eggs, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and flax seeds etc.
9. Breast Exercises :
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There are exercises that you can do that make your breasts firm and perky. These exercises involve the movement of the arms and shoulders, which when done regularly, will make your breasts look better and appear to be larger.
  • Push Ups
  • Chest Press
  • Rear Lateral Raise

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