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Top 5 Home Remedies to bring down Cholesterol level

Cholesterol is an oil based substance that occurs in the human body. It is needed to produce Vitamin D and hormones. They also help in keeping our cell walls healthy and create bile acids in the intestine. Cholestrol is carried in the body by lipoproteins. These are of two types. Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) carry what we call the “bad” cholesterol and High Density lipoproteins (HDL) carry the “good” Cholesterol.

When we say a person has high cholesterol levels we simply mean that he has more of the bad cholesterols than the good ones. High cholesterols clogs up the arteries and may lead to heart attacks and other heart related diseases. It may be caused by excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, an unhealthy diet, obesity and hereditary factors.
Is a naturally occurring material that’s found within the human body, and there are two kinds of it. One is considered good, while the other is quite bad. While HDL helps your body by repairing arteries, cholesterol can be treated with changes in lifestyle and medication. Additionally, certain home remedies can also be incorporated in your daily routine to bring down the cholesterol levels.Improper diets, no fixed routines, longer working hours and zero exercise hours. These are a few of the many reasons, people today are getting high cholesterol’s in their bodies, even at very young ages.
1. Basil and Margosa Leaves:
Top 5 Home Remedies for Cholesterol 2
Basil leaves are used to cure many ailments. It has powerful anti oxidants and is also full of vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium and potassium. These properties protect cells from bad cholesterol and boost the heart’s health. Take 10-15 basil leaves and 10-15 margosa leaves. Grind them together to form a paste. Add this to a glass of water and mix well. Drink this every morning on an empty stomach.
2. Brown Rice:
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Brown rice has proven to lower the cholesterol levels. It is a good source for fibre and and high cholesterol patients should include it in their everyday diet.
3. Almonds:
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This nut has copious amounts of vitamins, and minerals. They also have protein and soluble fibre, therefore making them useful for lowering cholesterol levels. They can be eaten in many ways. Eat 5-6 almonds everyday with breakfast. You can also grind them and blend them with milk and drink. Almonds can also be added to salads and cooked meals.
4. Green Tea:
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Green teas has a deep-rooted history of lowering cholesterol levels. Start your day with green tea, on a n empty stomach. It can also be had had throughout the day for added benefits.
5. Flax Seeds:
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Experts confirm that flax seeds are to lower cholesterol. They are a rich source of vitamins and fibre and have low levels of sodium. They are also great sources of Omega 3 fats which blocks the body from absorbing cholesterol. Have a teaspoon of flaxseed every morning for a rapid decrease in cholesterol levels. Flax seed oils can also be extracted. Add a few drops of flaxseed oil to cooking oils for good results.
People who have a tendency of high cholesterol should avoid saturated fats and trans fat. Stay away from egg yolks, deep fried food, cheese, ice cream, red meats, and fast foods.

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