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12 Home Remedies to Control Acidity Quickly

Acidity treat this serious stomach disorder which is a synonym for heartburn and excessive gas formation. In this, the gastric juices or acids inside the body and stomach are produced in excessive amounts, leading to the condition of acidity.The ideal pH range for the human body is between 6.0 and 6.8 (the human body is naturally mildly acidic). For the body, values below pH 6.3 are considered on the acidic side.

Acidity is caused due to the excessive production of acids in the body. However, there must be some conditions or causes that contribute to this potentially dangerous situation.
Here The 12 Home Remedies to Control Acidity Quickly:
1. Coconut Water:
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For those who are having acid stomach, one of the easiest treatments at home comes in the form of coconut water. A freshly extracted glass of the same helps you get instant results in soothing the abdomen.
2. Asafoetida :
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One of the Indian spices available in the kitchen. This is very useful for your digestive system. It has a pungent smell and little bit difficult to bear. Mix asafetida with some water and make it into a paste. Rub on the stomach and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes, before wiping it off with a clean cloth. This remedy is another instantaneous one and will quickly heal your gas problems.
3. Fenugreek Seeds:
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Fenugreek leaves and seeds are widely used in Indian kitchen. It is believed that fenugreek got high medicinal properties. Its bitter in taste. Soak a spoonful of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water overnight. Strain and drink the liquid empty stomach to get relief from acidity and gastric problems.
4. Baking Soda:
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Bicarbonate present in soda is known to be a great product available for treatment of acidity for which a spoonful of this has to mixed in one full glass of water to fast work on acidity also this has to be consumed before fizzing stops. However it is also cautioned for those suffering from high blood pressure to avoid this treatment and even those who are on diet which restricts sodium consumption.
5. Cumin Seeds:
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Crush cumin seeds into fine powder. add half tea-spoon of cumin seeds to one liter of water. boil the water for two minutes and filter. Drink this water, in place of normal water. But new water needs to be made everyday. This is a natural remedy for gastritis.
6. Drink Mint Juice:
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Drink fresh mint juice everyday as it acts as an effective cure for acidity. Prepare fresh mint juice and have it after every meal or you can even boil fresh mint leaves in a cup of water and have sips of it slowly after the meals. Mint juices prevent forming of stomach acids and thus give respite from acidity.
7. Cloves:
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Unbelievably healing, cloves can take care of your stomach ache when you suffer from acidity. Just chew 2-3 cloves well and you would say good bye to the pain.
8. Jaggery
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Keeping a piece of jaggery in the mouth after every meal will ensure the treatment as well as prevention of acidity in one of the simple and easy ways. This is highly efficient and affordable on the pocket.
9. Cinnamon:
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The antacid properties in the natural product we know as cinnamon really helps in the cure of acidity. Cinnamon tea can be prepared by boiling some cinnamon powder in water for a while and then consuming it in the case of acidity. This will treat the ailment.
10. Buttermilk:
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Having a glass of freshly prepared buttermilk helps positively in acidity as well as gastric issues. The lactic acid in the liquid helps in bringing the stomach acid in proper control. A little black pepper and coriander leaves will only improve the results.
11. Fennel Seeds Benefits:
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Take a cup of warm water and soak about 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds in it for an entire night. In the morning, strain the liquid, mix in a little honey and drink it for keeping acidity at bay in an effective way. This should be taken three times in a day.
12. Ginger root Tea:
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Ginger root tea helps in relieving acid reflex and heartburn. Ginger root can help ease up a number of gastric reflex symptoms, Sipping a cup of the fresh ginger root tea about 15 minutes before a meal can help calm down acid buffer.
  • 2 quarter sized slices of ginger root
  • 1/2 cups of water
Slice up two-quarter sized pieces of ginger root and simmer gently in 1/2 cups of water, covered, for about 25 minutes. Remove the small ginger pieces, or leave them in, pour into a nice glass and drink all of it about 15 minutes before a meal.

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