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9 Best Home Remedies For Gout

Gout also referred to as metabolic arthritis is a kind of arthritis, which occurs due to excess deposition of uric acid in the body of a human being

Uric acid is nothing but a toxic material which is present in the natural waste of the body.
9 Best Home Remedies For Gout 2
Known as one of the best gout remedies, eat one 8 ounce bowl of cherries (about 15 cherries) per day. Or as an alternative …
9 Best Home Remedies For Gout 3
Grate a 2 inch square of fresh ginger. Boil 2 quarts of water, remove it from the heat and mix in the grated ginger. Cover the mixture and let it sit for about 5 to 10 minutes.
Soak a washcloth in the mixture, wring it out, and apply it to the affected area. This is one of the most soothing gout remedies.Leave the washcloth on until it cools off, then apply a different washcloth, one that has soaked in ice water, to the affected for a few minutes, re-soak the warm washcloth and reapply it.
Alternate between the two for about 15 minutes. Do this once per day.
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Bananas are one of the powerful natural remedies and they are extremely effective in treating gout. Bananas contain high levels of potassium which help in conversion of uric acid crystals into the liquid form, thereby helping flush them out of the body.
4)Lemon juice:
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Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that helps in neutralizing the excess uric acids levels in gout patients. One of the best food sources of vitamin C is lemon juice. This can help alkalise the body and provide relief from gout pain.
5)Apple cider vinegar:
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There are two ways through which you can make use of apple cider vinegar to get rid of gout. One way to use it is to mix it with water and drink it three times a day. You can add some honey to taste. The other way through which you can make use of apple cider vinegar is to add in warm water and then soak the affected joint in it.
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Eating lots of apple is also one of the best home remedies for gout. This is because apple contains malic acid. The malic acid in apple helps to neutralize the uric acid in your body which leads to gout. For immediate results, it is advisable that you eat at least three apples a day. You can also boil the apples and then soak them and apply them on the affected area.
7)Baking Soda:
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Gout develops from having too much uric acid either because the body is making too much or it’s not getting rid of enough. Crystals form in fluid around the joints and result in swelling and gout pain.
Though baking soda is sodium bicarbonate and can generally help neutralize acid, once it enters the stomach it largely turns into water and a carbon dioxide gas. “The pH of blood is unaffected,” says N. Lawrence Edwards, MD, professor of medicine in the division of clinical immunology at the University of Florida in Gainesville, and chairman and CEO for the Gout & Uric Acid Education Society.
“It may have a small impact on the pH of an overly acidic stomach for a brief time. However, it has no realistic role in gout.”
8)Epsom Salt:
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Gout can be incredibly painful and something that few things help to alleviate. You can soak the affected foot in Epsom salts to ease pain and inflammation. Take a pan of warm water and dissolve three teaspoons of Epsom salts into this. Place the affected foot in the pan and soak for 30 minutes once a day.
9)Celery Juice:
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Celery and celery juice have a number of health benefits. Celery is a great source of vitamin C and it may even help to lower high cholesterol and control blood pressure.
Unfortunately, neither munching on celery sticks or chugging celery juice has been found to prevent gout or ease gout pain. However, as a low-calorie snack, celery can help you stick to a weight loss diet, and being at a healthy weight can help prevent gout.

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