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Top 13 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Cough

When cold and flu season hits, it’s nice to have an assortment of home remedies for coughs on hand to sooth sore throats. Most of these are suitable for coughs in adults or children. The honey, syrups and milk with butter would be most helpful for dry coughs.

A dry cough is a type of cough that doesn’t produce any sputum or phlegm. Such type of cough is common when you develop a viral infection of the nose or throat. It feels as if something’s stuck in the throat and you cannot get it out even with continuous coughing.
1. Turmeric :
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Turmeric is a long-established remedy that many people use with hot milk to relieve coughs. Studies have also proven that turmeric has antibacterial properties.
  • 1 tea spoon of turmeric powder
  • 1 glass of milk
  • Honey
Process with turmeric:
•Heat a glass of milk.
•Mix half with a teaspoon of turmeric powder.
•Drink it warm for cough relief.
Process with turmeric gargle:
•Add half a spoon of turmeric powder to a cup of hot water and a table spoon of salt.
•Use the liquid to gargle and rest assured you will be relieved of the cough.
Process for dry cough:
Take turmeric powder, mix it with honey and take it 3 times a day for effectiveness.
2. Green Tea and Honey:
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Green tea contains a substance that helps to heal the dry cough and honey helps to soothe your throat for instant relief from the throat irritation.
  • Green tea bag
  • Cup of hard water
  • 1 tea spoon of honey
•Take a cup of hot water and dip a green tea bag.
•Then add a little bit of honey to this cup of green tea.
•Drink this tea to get relief from the dry cough and throat pain.
•Drinking it regularly will works best for your dry cough
3. Raw Onion Juice :
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  • Onions
  • Honey
Chop an onion thin and extract its juice. Then blend a tablespoon of raw onion juice with a tablespoon of honey and let the mixture rest for five hours. At the end, an effective cough syrup is created which you need to take couple of times a day
On the other hand, if you’re battling with cold, then blend this raw onion juice along with boiling water and lemon to remove phlegm
4. Ginger :
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Ginger is a natural analgesic, and that’s why it’s a common ingredient in cough syrups and lozenges. It helps soothe irritation and scratchiness caused by sore throat. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and leaves a cleansing effect on your respiratory system.
  • Ginger
  • water
Cut a ginger into small pieces and crush them completely. Add it to water and start boiling. Once cooled off, you should take it at least thrice a day for dry cough relief.
Besides, rubbing your chest with ginger oil or chewing ginger slices are among the simplest home remedies for dry cough.
5. Pepper:
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  • peppercorns
  • glass of warm water
Finely ground six peppercorns and mix it with a glass of warm water. Add six pieces of Batasha type of sugar candy. Drink it consistently for a few nights to get relief from cold.
6. Milk
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  • 1 glass boiled milk
  • Turmeric powder
  • Pepper balls
Take 1 glass pure boiled milk and add a pinch of turmeric, two to three crushed pepperballs and drink it at bedtime for three consecutive nights to cure coughs.this is also one of the best natural remedies for cough.
7. Lemon Seeds:
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  • Lemon seeds
  • Kumquat seed
  • Agar leaf
  • Sugar
Mix 10g lemon seed, kumquat seed, and agar leaf together. Crush them and add sugar, steam it and drink for 2 to 3 times a day to get rid of terrible cough situation. You can also crush 10g lemon seeds, 15g shallot leaves, 15g papaya flower, and mix with 20 ml water, then add sugar or honey to drink 3 times per day within a few days until you see the noticeable relief.
8. Garlic and Honey :
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Garlic and honey are effective natural foods which can help relieve coughing. Therefore, a simple cough remedy using these everyday
  • Garlic cloves
  • Honey
•Take 3 or 4 cloves of garlic.
•Peel the cloves and then chop them into small pieces.
•Mix the cloves in a cup of honey and let the mixture sit overnight.
•Take one teaspoon of this honey and garlic mixture twice daily.
9. Thyme Tea:
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  • Thyme leaves
  • Luke warm water
  • Honey
Prepare a cup of thyme tea by boiling thyme leaves in a cup of water and straining it. This should be taken lukewarm with a little honey for added benefits. It is a perfect way to ensure a cough remedy at home in a safe and effective manner.
10. Warm Shower :
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To treat the congestion in the chest and in the throat, the best that can be done is to take a warm shower. This will help in curing the cough perfectly. It should be done 2 times in a day in the morning and in the evening. It will give instant relief from cough symptoms as well.
11. Licorice Root Tea :
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Licorice root acts as a demulcent and expectorant. It could simultaneously soothe the airways while loosening and thinning the mucus. Also, this could ease congestion and relieve any inflammation that could be the cause of your cough.
•Boiling water
•2 tablespoons of dried licorice root
Put licorice root in a mug and pour some boiling water. Cover your mug and let it steep for about 10-15 minutes. This should be drunk up to 2 times a day.
12. Marshmallow Wonders:
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Prepare a cup of marshmallow tea by boiling the dried herb of marshmallow with water and then having it at least once in a day. This should be done on a routine basis till the problem subsides completely. It is a good home remedy for the crisis.
13. Cinnamon:
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Cinnamon is also a brilliant spice to help curb coughing bouts. You can make cinnamon flavored bread or doughnut or simply add it to your tablespoon of honey with a few drops of lemon in it. Cinnamon can be consumed any way you like. For children, adding it to sweet bread is a good idea as they might just refuse to have it for the strong flavor it has.

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