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Top 9 Home Remedies For Bronchitis

Bronchitis is a serious ailment which should never be neglected and should be treated immediately as acute and chronic bronchitis is not only painful but also makes a person feel miserable for long periods of time. A person who is suffering from bronchitis usually faces symptoms like pain in the chest, a sore throat, hoarseness, a very bad cough which is accompanied by the constant release of thick phlegm or mucus due to too much coughing.

Bronchitis is extremely contagious as well. Though there are good medicines available to cure the disease, natural home remedies are any day the best option for treating the disease. The below mentioned article provides details about some amazing home remedies for bronchitis.
1. Sesame Seeds:
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These have medicinal properties that help treat bronchitis and help minimize the chest pain associated with bronchitis. Mix about one teaspoon of sesame seeds, one teaspoon of flaxseed, common salt and one teaspoon honey.
Ingest this mixture once a day before going to bed every night. Another way is to mix one-half teaspoon dry sesame seed powder and about two tablespoons water. Take this concoction twice daily.
2. Ginger:
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While perhaps not well known among home remedies for bronchitis, herbal medicine mainstay ginger can be useful as an expectorant, which can help to loosen up some of the mucus associated with bronchitis. Half a teaspoon can be steeped in tea along with cloves and cinnamon for a tasty and soothing way to achieve relief.
3. Lemons:
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Few home remedies boast the longevity of the lemon, which has been used traditionally as an antibacterial agent among other things, for thousands of years. It may be no surprise then that lemons may also be able to boot bacteria and reduce mucus too. Lemon can be enjoyed many ways, but when a teaspoon of grated rind is boiled in a cup of water, a bronchitis relieving tea can result. Additionally, lemon juice can help relieve cough induced sore throats when the juice is added to warm water and gargled.
4. Cinnamon and Honey:
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Perhaps the tastiest of all home remedies for bronchitis involves sweet honey and spicy cinnamon. Honey is packed with immune system boosting minerals and vitamins, and cinnamon is considered a natural anti-inflammatory. When combined, they create a soothing and sweet concoction that can reduce bronchitis symptoms as well as potentially help the body defend against future infections.
5. Thyme:
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The popular cooking herb is mucus’ worst nightmare, and it can act to fight off infection and protect against bacteria. In addition, it can strengthen the defenses of the lungs. Half a teaspoon of thyme can be added to tea with honey to sweeten for a more potent application of the herb in a tasty and sweeter vehicle.
6. Olive Leaf Extract:
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Olive leaf extract works in a number of ways to provide bronchitis relief and thus is one of the best home remedies for bronchitis. For one, it helps to seize the replication of viruses and for another, it also boasts antibacterial properties. Inflammation reducing and immune boosting benefits are also found in olive leaf extract, and it is also thought to help combat fatigue as well.
7. Savory:
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Many herbs for bronchitis work by helping to remove the mucus which is often the biggest and most challenging component of the condition. Savory is a peppery herb that works in the same way. Once daily, it can be added to boiling water and drank to help reduce mucus production and remove existing mucus.
8. Garlic:
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Garlic is one of the oldest and best known home based natural cures. It is ideal because it is something that many people already have on hand, and it is literally considered effective in a wide range of ailments. Bronchitis is no exception, and the herb’s antiviral properties are certainly potentially potent in combating the underlying source of the infection. To use for bronchitis, crushed garlic can be added to honey and swallowed, not chewed, twice daily.
9. Bay Leaf:
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Historically it is known as a herbal remedy to promote happiness, and it is certainly a herb with a wide range of culinary applications. However, it can also be steeped in boiling water to act as an expectorant and thus provide relief to bronchitis symptoms. Additionally, the leaf works in another way when applied externally like some other home remedies for bronchitis. They can be soaked in hot water and then once of appropriate temperature, be applied to the chest.

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