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Top 9 Home Remedies for Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common and quite a prolonged health illness that a lot of people suffer from. This prevalent health problem is something that is caused because of the lack of insulin production by the glands in the body. Insulin leads to proper balance in the glucose levels in the blood. With the lack of the hormone, the sugar in the blood rises and leads to the condition called diabetes. There is definitely a point that diabetes needs to be given some professional and medical care, but then there are natural and home remedies that one can use daily for controlling the diabetes in the body and thus keeping the body away from a lot of other serious health ailments.

The guide below has some of the top notch home cures that are easy, safe and efficient when it comes to treatment of the problem. All you need to do is follow them daily to get visible outcomes.
1. Mango Leaves Benefits:
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Mango leaves is a perfect natural option you can take at home for treating the problem of diabetes. About 10-15 leaves of mango can be soaked in water at night and then strained and consumed early in the morning on an empty stomach each day. It will surely help in giving the outcomes.
2.Use Bitter Gourd:
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There are some enzymes in bitter gourd that helps in lowering the blood sugar levels in the body. It also positively affects the metabolism of glucose in the body. Not only does it help in proper insulin resistance but also increase in the pancreatic insulin levels. This is perfect for both types of diabetes. A small portion is all you need in the daily meals.
3. Indian Gooseberry:
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Also known as amla, Indian gooseberry works really well on the diabetes treatment in a home remedial way. The paste can be prepared from amla and then the juice can be extracted from this paste. Two tablespoons of this juice with a glass of water on an empty stomach is the home remedy for diabetes treatment.
4. Cinnamon Helps:
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A teaspoon of cinnamon in a glass of warm water needs to be consumed on a daily basis as one of the effective remedies for diabetes cure. Make sure you take good quality cinnamon for this purpose. A pinch of cinnamon can be swallowed with warm water as another of the ideas.
5. Fenugreek Seeds:
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Fenugreek seed also known as methi seeds can be soaked for an entire night in water. Make sure you take only about ¼ teaspoon of the seeds. Brush the teeth in the morning and gulp down this liquid every morning for the proper treatment of diabetes.
6. Aloe Vera:
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Combine the gel from the Aloe Vera leaf with turmeric and bay leaves for diabetes treatment. The solution needs to be made of grounded bay leaves, aloe vera gel and 1 teaspoon of turmeric. This should be consumed before lunch as well as dinner. It helps in the lowering of the glucose levels during the fasting stage.
7. Green Tea:
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1-2 cups of freshly prepared green tea helps in keeping the diabetes in check in an easy and effortless manner. It also helps in a lot of other benefits for the body. Green tea is definitely something that will give desired outcomes.
8. Have Honey:
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For anything where you need to take in sugar, try and replace it with honey. This will again help in a natural way to cure and control diabetes.
9. Have Black Coffee:
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A cup of black coffee not only treats but also helps in reducing the risks of occurrence of diabetes in the body. It is proved by professionals.

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