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10 Best Weight Loss Smoothies

Smoothies are a great tool for weight loss because you control the ingredients. They make perfect vehicles for relatively low-calorie, yet nutrient-laden ingredients that are capable of keeping you full for a long time.The reason that smoothies can help you lose weight is that you can get all of your necessary nutrients in one glass without adding in excess or empty calories. When you learn about the ingredients that create a balanced smoothie, you will be able to include a good balance of protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, as well as vitamins and nutrients.
Tips To Making Awesome Smoothies:
•Avoid using dairy products in your smoothies.
•Limit the amount of fat you add to your smoothies.
•Avoid non-natural sweeteners : How to differentiate real honey from fake honey .
•Avoid using store-bought fruit juices or plant milks.
•Avoid canned or packaged foods.
•Minimize the amount of powders in your smoothies.
To prepare any weight loss smoothie quickly, you need the following Ingredients
•Ice cubes
•Low-fat milk
•Fat-free yogurt
•Artificial sweetener
1) Weight Loss Green Smoothie:
10 Best Weight Loss Smoothies 2
Kick-start your morning with this filling, tasty smoothie. It provides lots of essential nutrients without the calories.
  • 6 fl oz unsweetened almond milk
  • 1⁄3 banana
  • 1⁄2 cup pineapple, fresh or frozen
  • 1 tbsp almond or peanut butter
  • 2 Medjool dates, pitted
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 2 cups spinach, packed
  • 1 cup ice cubes
Add ingredients to Four Side or Wild Side jar in order listed and secure lid. Select “Smoothie” and enjoy.
2) Peanut Butter Smoothie:
10 Best Weight Loss Smoothies 3
This amazingly tasty smoothie for weight loss contains only 175 calories. You can also prefer to have it for lunch after eating fresh vegetable salad in breakfast.
  • Small banana – 1
  • Low-fat peanut butter – ½ cup
  • Low-fat milk – ½ cup
  • Chocolate whey protein – 1 spoon
  • Ice cubes – 6
Blend all the ingredients well and your fat-burning smoothie is ready!
3. Blueberry and Vanilla Yogurt Smoothie:
This smoothie recipe is smooth, creamy and you can get the benefits of blueberries in losing weight.
10 Best Weight Loss Smoothies 4
  • Skim or soy milk – 1 cup
  • Vanilla yogurt – 6 oz
  • Blueberries (fresh) – 1 cup
  • Ice or frozen blueberries – 1 cup
  • Flaxseed oil (MUFA) – 1 tablespoon
Take all the above mentioned ingredients except flaxseed oil and pour this in a blender. Blend this 1 – 2 minutes and then transfer it into a tall or juice glass. Mix flaxseed oil into it and drink this to get rid of the overweight. It has nutrition value (as per serving) like 443 calories, 4gms of fiber, 63gms carb, 57gms sugar, 18gms proteins, 1.5 gms sat fat, 14.5gms fat and 221mg sodium.
4) Kale Smoothie:
10 Best Weight Loss Smoothies 5
Kale is the new spinach, and as such you should make sure you’re eating some on a semi-regular basis. A smoothie makes a great vehicle for upping your kale intake, since the curly kind of kale can be a bit much to munch on.
  • Handful Kale
  • 1/2 apple
  • 1 cup Coconut Water
If you use curly kale make sure you cut off the hard and stringy ribs that run down the middle of the leaf. Most blenders will have a tough time with these, and even if you use a professional grade blender it might still leave bits behind. We recommend baby kale, since you can just grab it and toss it in.
5) Kiwi Smoothie:
Kiwi fruit is one of the most unique fruits with a hint of saltiness in the flavor. Throughout the summer in all the temperate regions of the world kiwi drink is extremely popular on the cocktail menu. All the fancy huts at beaches serve it with fresh mint and ice. When kiwi is mixed with honeydew, not only does it become more palatable but serves to reduce weight.
10 Best Weight Loss Smoothies 6
  • 1 Cup of Kiwi Fruit
  • 2 Cups of Chopped Honey Dew
To a cup of kiwi fruit add 2 cups of chopped honey dew. Blend it properly and chill to the liking. For those with the sweet tooth a tablespoon of sucrose might work wonders. A tablespoon of lemon or a little mint extract might taste great too. Kiwi can be included in several weight loss smoothie recipes for women because it has tremendous antioxidant and skin clearing properties.
6) Watermelon:
Watermelon has very less calories and it is the best fruit if you want to skip fat totally. You can have a variety of watermelon smoothies every day for lunch or for dinner.
10 Best Weight Loss Smoothies 7
  • 3 cups Watermelon Peices
  • 1 cup Non-fat or low-fat milk
  • 6 Ice cubes
Mix watermelon, non-fat/low-fat milk and ice cubes in a blender, and your regular watermelon smoothie is ready.
7) Chia Seed Smoothie:
which can be purchased in flash pasteurized smoothie packets in the refrigerated section of your health store, is super-high in antioxidants and has been shown in some studies to help increase levels of good cholesterol and may help prevent atherosclerosis,” explains nutritionist Kim Snyder, CN, author of The Beauty Detox Solution. “Chia seeds are another antioxidant-rich ingredient and have been shown to help reduce blood pressure. And they’re high in omega-3 fatty acids that are beneficial for cardiovascular health.
10 Best Weight Loss Smoothies 8
  • 3 1/2 ounces frozen acai berries
  • 2 cups unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 1/2 – 2 Tbs. chia seeds
  •  Stevia to taste (Snyder prefers the liquid form)
Blend the acai berries and almond milk at a low speed until you’ve broken down the berries. Then move to a higher speed. Once the mixture is smooth, add the chia seeds and the stevia. Adjust the sweetness to your taste. Best served fresh.
8) Mocha Smoothie:
Believe it or not, this smoothie is still completely healthy. It’s perfect if you’re craving sweets. What you do is combine ice, frozen yogurt, espresso either decaf or regular; it’s up to you and cocoa powder, in this order, blend, and delight in the chocolaty goodness!
10 Best Weight Loss Smoothies 9
  •  4 small ice cubes
  • 1/2 cup of low-fat vanilla frozen yogurt
  • 1 shot of espresso
  • 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder
Add ingredients to blender in this order, then blend at a high speed until smooth.
9) Strawberry Banana:
Strawberry banana is my favorite flavor combination in all of life, so I’m really excited about this smoothie. Making it is simplicity itself. Cut up a banana, toss in some strawberries, add an orange for flavor, your yogurt, your ice, and voila! That’s all you have to do!
10 Best Weight Loss Smoothies 10
  • cup of strawberries
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 cup of low-fat yogurt or milk
  •  5 ice cubes
  • 1/2 of a sliced orange
Place all the ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth.
10) Peach Smoothie:
10 Best Weight Loss Smoothies 11
  • Fresh peach – 1 cup
  • Skimmed milk – 1 cup
  • Flaxseed oil – 2 tablespoons
Take 1 cup of fresh peaches. If you are using preserved peaches, pick unsweetened ones. Blend peaches with skimmed milk and flaxseed oil in a blender. Add 5 ice cubes and blend well. This smoothie adds just 230 calories to your diet.

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