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Top 10 Home Remedies For Eye Infection

If eye, one of the most sensitive parts of our body gets infection then home remedies for eye infection become our need. Imagine that if unable to watch anything like kids, TV and the nature beauties then what will happen. Don’t worry because here I will tell you about the care of this GOD gifted thing by using home remedies. To maintain eyes health eye care is important because eyes require a lot of care. By giving a little time to your eyes, you can take best care of them. It is said “Beautiful eyes are the windows of soul”.

Eyes, sometimes say, those feeling or words which we cannot say. Eyes play an important role in our beauty. Beautiful eyes naturally have attraction. The eye has many main components. Important component of eyes include cornea, iris, pupil, lens, retina and sclera. They imprison an image and transmit it to the brain.
If any component of eye is damaged, whole eye cannot work properly. Number of people does not care of their eyes, which may become a major cause of eye problem. We should lways care of our eyes and use best drops for eye cleaning regularly. That’s why here I shall point out some home remedies for eye infection.
1) Boric Acid:
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Boric corrosive, a frail and water solvent corrosive, is effortlessly found in stores or medication stores. It is actually in numerous natural products, vegetables, and different plants, boric corrosive serves as an antifungal, germ-free, and eyewash.
While boric corrosive is a corrosive, it is to a great degree gentle, and minimal reactions have been accounted for. A slight stinging or smoldering may happen with utilization. Try not to utilize boric corrosive ophthalmic in the event that you are sensitive to boric corrosive. Additionally keep away from heartburn or use close open injuries.
2) Triphala Water:
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Triphala is the best natural ingredient that helps to treat from viral infection and swelling or irritating eyes. Triphala works as a natural antibacterial and antifungal agent that reduce swelling and itching.
• Soak a teaspoon triphala powder into half glass of water before going to sleep.
• Next morning, filter it properly and wash your eyes with this filtered water.
Repeat this method twice in a day; you will get rid from redness and infection problems with this remedy.
3) Flax Seed:
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Flax seed is rich in omega-3 unsaturated fats, which are known not the assortment of free radicals and fortify the safe framework help to battle contamination. Heat up some water and include an ounce of wounded flax seed. Permit the blend to soak for no less than 15 to 20 minutes.
Strain the abundance water and spot the warm flax seed onto a clean washcloth, cotton square, or a bit of cheesecloth and apply straightforwardly to the eye. You can rehash this procedure up to 3 times each day until manifestations are no more.
The flax seed attempts to lessen irritation and relieve the torment in the eye. Try not to utilize this cure in the event that you are pregnant. Not enough researches have been carried out to show the impacts of flax seed on the embryo.
4) Alum and Rose-Water:
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Alum is also known as a phitkari. A white transparent solid crystal that used for cleaning the water. Alum is an excellent anti-fungal and antibacterial agent that works for curing pink eyes. Mix four grain (approx 0.26 grams) of alum powder into 30 grams of rose-water.
Mix well to make a lotion. You can keep this mixture into a glass bottle. Drop 2 drops in both the eyes with the help of dropper. Repeat this treatment 3 to 4 times every day to get completely rid from infected eyes. This is the best remedy for pain and infection of the eyes.
5) Cucumber:
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Cucumber is used as anti-irritation product to help to low the pain in irritated eye. Take a cucumber and put in refrigerator. After 20 minute cut it into small pieces then put these pieces on your eyes for 10 to15 minutes.
Use it at least five times in a day. It is best remedy for eye irritation and home remedies for eye infection. Honey has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that helps to treat from the pink eyes as well as redness in eyes.
So, try this given method to get rid from it. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of raw honey in 1/4 cup of lukewarm water (use boiled water when it becomes lukewarm). Mix well and drop 2 drops in both the eyes. Repeat this treatment thrice every day.
6) Cold Milk:
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Milk is one of many best home remedies for eye infection. Dip a piece of cloth in cold water and massage around your eyes. Use this product two times in a day. It makes your eyes more beautiful and attractive.
7) Salt-Water:
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Salt water is an effective treatment for bacterial and fungal infections or allergies. Salt water is works to eliminate the symptoms of pink eyes. Mix a teaspoon salt in a glass of water and bring to boil; thereafter leave it to become cool. Use a dropper to rinse your affected eyes with this salt water. Repeat this treatment 3 to 4 times in a day to get rid from infected eyes.
8) Aloe Vera Juice:
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Mix some cold water into freeze aloe Vera juice and shake it properly. Use a piece of cloth and dip it in this mixture. Use it around the eyes for 10 to 20 minutes. It is very soothed and effective home remedies for eye infection.
9) Cold or Warm Compress:
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Step by step compress of hot and cold is effective to treating with conjunctivitis eyes. You can try these compress method to get relief from infections. Cold Compress – Soak a clean cloth into water or take some ice cubes into a plastic bag and wrap it into the cotton cloth. Apply it to closed eyes for five minutes. It is very useful to get rid from allergic conjunctivitis.
10) Potato:
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Potato is used as one of most great ingredient for eye remedies. Take one potato and mesh it. Place it under your eyes for at least 20 minute to remove dark circles. It is one from home remedies for eye infection that also helps to low the irritation of your eyes. If you have possible use it at night for better result.

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