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12 Best Home Remedies for Migraines

While a simple headache can be pretty heavy handed at times, think of a similar disease with a much complicated side effect. That is in medical terms known as a migraine. The basic symptom of migraine is an excruciating headache so bad that other symptoms such as vision blurring, nausea, rubber knees, flashes of light and many such things follow. Migraines can be frighteningly painful leaving you helpless and writhing in pain. However this intensity varies from person to person, some of them experiencing hot flashes while others feel nauseating.

About 75 percent of all migraine sufferers have a family history of this debilitating problem. The complex condition is thought to be caused by changes in brain chemicals. Some potential triggers for a migraine are allergies, stress, smoking, alcohol, bright lights, loud noises, strong smells, skipping Meals, dehydration,  irregular sleep, poor posture, low blood sugar and hormonal fluctuations.
However someone who suffers from it surely has a fixed trigger such as certain food or alcohol, or stress, or physical pressure etc. even though it is impossible to do away with all your pain, here are some home remedies to migraine curbing.
1) Lavender Oil:
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This is a medicinal oil with essential properties that can cure your writhing headache in a second. Lavender oil is known not only for its pleasant floral smell but for its headache removal properties too. one can easily purchase this from your nearby medical store. On a pot of boiling water add two to three drops of lavender oil and inhale the steam from the pot. This should instantly put your headache problem to a stop.
2) Magnesium:
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Mauskop’s own research found that people with migraines and cluster headaches are often deficient in magnesium.He demonstrated that an infusion of the mineral helped to stop the pain. Of course, an infusion isn’t the most practical of treatments when you’re struck by a migraine at the office, say, but supplements can also help.
One small study found daily magnesium supplements reduced migraine frequency by nearly 42 percent, compared to only about 16 percent in people given a placebo pill. Some people have trouble absorbing magnesium, says Mauskop, which can lead to the unpleasant side effect of diarrhea, but overall it’s considered safe in 200 milligram daily doses, he says.
3) Peppermint Oil:
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Peppermint smells of freshness, the refreshing kind with a hint of smooth minty feel that opens up your congested tunnels as you breathe in this fresh scented smell. This can be found in oil from in your nearby drug store. One can either smell it or use it in water drops and use the vapor. Their essential vaso-constructing, vaso-dilating properties open up your mind fresh and wide.
4) Riboflavin (Vitamin B2):
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Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, is found in certain foods and supplements. It helps protect cells from oxidative damage and is involved in energy production. In a trial measuring the effectiveness of riboflavin in preventing migraines, 59 percent of patients who took 400 mg of riboflavin daily for three months experienced a 50 percent or greater reduction in migraine occurrence.
Best food sources: Liver, lean beef, lamb, venison, whole grains, Tempe, yogurt, low-fat milk, eggs, almonds, crimini mushrooms, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and spinach. Store food away from light, which destroys riboflavin.
5) Ginger:
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Even though the exact causes to cure migraine by ginger is yet in discussion, it is proven that consumption of ginger can help miraculously in curing the migraine headaches along with the nausea and other feelings.
6) Basil Oil:
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While we use basil to make food taste better, a lot many people don’t know that a basil can cure your headaches instantly. Since it works as an excellent muscle relaxant one can always trust basil to do away with those tedious headaches
7) Coffee Lovers:
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Coffee or caffeine can help restrict the blood vessels. This way it can immediately cause the pain to lessen making the headache either nominal or vanish. A lot many times lack of coffee might be the trigger word for migraine victims. If someone takes coffee each and every day at a certain point of time, not having coffee in the same order might cause the pain to reoccur. However this is not a stable solution and too much caffeine can have reverse effects.
8) Compress:
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Another effective way to kill the headache is by using hot or cold compresses which ever suits you. For this one needs to try out both the methods to see which is more compatible.
9) Initiative:
One of the best advices for a migraine patient is to keep a headache diary handy and whenever something triggers the headache make note of it after you have dealt with the matter at hand. If something cures it, jot that down to. There are different types of head pains or side effects one might experience. Keep a note of that too, so that the next time you remember exactly what to avoid and what not to. This also helps your doctors in treating you better.
10) Scalp Massage:
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Do-it-yourself scalp massages can be an effective way to alleviate migraine pain, and they feel great. Researchers in Brazil showed that massaging the greater occipital nerve — the area in the back of the head, at the base of the skull — reduces migraine pain. Massage in general has been identified as a useful home remedy for headaches, especially reflexology (massaging reflex points on the hands and feet).
11) Buckwheat:
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Buckwheat contains flavonoid, a type of phytochemical which is enriched and veiled in antioxidant properties which nourishes the dead cells and repairs damaged cells instantly. This in turn keeps the migraine cells at bay and the healthy cells active. Flavonoids are also known to cure inflammations which might be a basic cause for headaches.
12) Feverfew:
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Feverfew is another effective home remedy for migraines that has been used for centuries. The herb contains a compound called parthenolide that relieves spasms in smooth muscle tissue and prevents inflammation. It also neutralizes prostaglandins that influence pain signals, thereby reducing pain.
Prepare an herbal tea by steeping one teaspoon each of dried peppermint and feverfew leaves in a cup of hot water for 30 minutes. Strain and drink this tea a few times throughout the day. Continue until the pain subsides. You can also eat two or three fresh feverfew leaves daily or take dried leaf capsules (50 to 100 mg daily). Consult your doctor before beginning use of a supplement.

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