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9 Best Home Remedies For Asthma

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by difficulty in breathing. It results from the interference in the flow of air within the lungs of the individual. Patients suffering from asthma need medical attention.
There are hundreds of natural remedies that you can use to get rid of asthma problem on the go. Of course, they will work for you. Here are simple ways to prevent asthma, which you can use to get relief from the condition.
1. Mustard Oil:
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Using mustard oil to massage the respiratory organs greatly remedies the effect of the ailment. To use the oil in treatment, you should warm it with a little camphor and then apply on the chest and the back part of the neck.
2. Fennel Seeds:
9 Simple Home Remedies for Asthma 2
Frequent consumption of fennel seeds is a very effective way to reduce the asthma attack. Individuals should use the seeds even when they are not sick in order for them to prevent possible attacks.
3. Goose Berries:
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Consumption of a mixture of gooseberries and honey plays a vital role in the treatment of those affected. Application involves the crushing of the berries together with honey.
4. Parsley Leaves:
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Another best herbal treatment for asthma is parsley leaves. These leaves help in the reduction of the congestion within the lungs together with the relaxation of the breathing system. Tea prepared from the leaves soothe the throat and allow easy breathing of the victim.
5. Eucalyptus Oil:
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Eucalyptus oil helps to treat the ailment because of its decongestant properties. It contains eucalyptol, which is a chemical that can break up mucus hence easement of the flow of air within the lungs of the person affected. The sick can apply the chemical on a towel and then put it on their head as they sleep or they can add this in boiling water and breathe it in.
6. Cloves:
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They help to relax the chest of the person who has been affected by the disease. They contain compounds that help the muscles to relax and allow free flow of air within the breathing system of a person. For effective treatment, one needs to consume a teaspoonful twice a day.
7. Onions:
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Onions have inflammatory effects that help reduce the effect of asthma on the individual. They clear the air passages and the patient is able to breathe with minimal strain you can think of. It is recommendable to use them in small quantities in order to avoid causing health problems to one.
8. Ginger:
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Through research, ginger is a well-known remedy for asthma among other ailments. It reduces airway contraction and inflammation. The user should mix it with honey and consume a tablespoonful between two to three spoonfuls in a day. Ginger is among the leading remedies because it has compounds that enhance the relaxation of the muscles.
9. Bitter Guard:
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A mixture of bitter guard juice, honey and lemon helps to cure asthma. Those who are already affected need to drink the mixture twice every day in order for them to be to recover from the same.

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