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Top 10 Home Remedies for Joint Pain

Many people suffer regularly from joint pain and for a variety of reasons. Arthritis, injury or strain from exercise and overuse, and a host of conditions associated with the normal aging process can contribute to joint pain that ranges from mildly uncomfortable to severely debilitating.

In addition to regular check-ups by your healthcare professional, there is a lot you can do at home to naturally reduce or eliminate many of these aches and pains.
Choose Anti-Inflammatory Foods:
Because joint pain is caused by inflammation, adhering to an anti-inflammatory diet is a great way to reduce it. While foods high in added sugar and saturated fat can cause inflammation, the opposite is also true.
Choosing the right foods can keep inflammation at a minimum and help you manage joint pain. There are many, many foods that naturally stave off inflammation, but a few suggestions include:
  • whole grains instead of refined, white bread, pastas and cereals
  • dark, leafy greens like spinach, broccoli and kale
  • all kinds of nuts, especially almonds and walnuts.
  • inflammation fighting spices like ginger and turmeric can be included in recipes and tea
  • olive oil, garlic and onion
1. Drink Blackstrap Molasses:
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Blackstrap molasses provides you with a range of important minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium. It is also a traditional remedy for joint pain, as it appears to be capable of improving both nerve and muscle function. Simply mix 1tbsp with a cup of warm water, and drink it no more than once a day (as it can loosen the bowels when taken too frequently!).
2. Epsom Salt Soak:
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A classic remedy for any muscle or joint ache is a relaxing bath with Epsom Salts. High in magnesium and sulfates, they are easily absorbed through the skin to provide quick relief and reduce inflammation.
Add two cups of salts to warm bathwater and soak for at least twenty minutes. Alternatively, Epsom Salts can be used in a compress to apply directly to the skin. Simply dilute two cups into one gallon of water. You can also try an epsom salt with lavender, or other essential oils.
3. Apply Capsaicin Cream:
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Made with the spicy chemical that is responsible for the fiery taste of hot chili peppers, capsaicin cream is reportedly excellent at relieving chronic joint pain. Its mechanism of action remains quite mysterious, but some speculate that capsaicin can inhibit chemicals that prompt your nerve endings to transmit pain impulses to your brain.
4. Exercise:
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Stiff muscles can cause joint pain elsewhere in the body. For example, tension in the leg muscles can be responsible for stress on the knees and hips. Exercise will strengthen and stretch the affected muscles, reducing pain and inflammation.
The stronger the muscles and joints become the better the chances are of avoiding future injuries. You’ve heard me mention before doing burst exercise as they can be done almost anywhere and are far more effective than traditional cardio. Learn more about the exercises here or checkout my BurstFIT program!
5. Sip Turmeric and Ginger Tea:
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Both turmeric and ginger have proven anti-inflammatory properties, so they may help with joint pain that is associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Turmeric is an especially good source of the antioxidant curcumin, which blocks the actions of the same inflammatory chemicals that are targeted by painkillers like ibuprofen. By mixing 1/2tsp of ground turmeric with 1/2tsp of ground ginger and adding them to a cup of hot water, you can create a tasty tea with real health benefits. Strain it after 10 minutes, and drink it with honey if you feel it needs sweetened.
6. Use Oil:
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Different types of oils can be used for massaging the joints. Using castor oil (extracted from the seeds of castor plant) can provide the desired results. Massaging gently with a mixture of lavender oil and jojoba oil can also help in the treatment of joint pain. Warm coconut oil or mustard oil containing camphor can also be used to obtain relief from joint pain.
7. Take Glucosamine:
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Glucosamine is an amino sugar that is available in supplement form and is particularly closely linked to a reduction in joint paint associated with arthritis. However, you should always look for it in the form of glucosamine sulfate, avoiding glucosamine hydrochloride, as studies have only shown the efficacy of the former.
8. Use Aloe Vera:
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Aloe vera can be considered as another home remedy to treat the problem of joint pain.Applying a mixture of fresh aloe vera gel and mustard oil on the affected area can give effective results. Direct consumption of aloe vera juice can also help in getting relief from joint pain.
9. Make a Pectin Drink:
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A carbohydrate found in plants, pectin dissolves in water or fruit juice and promotes cell wall cohesion. Often used to set jams, it is potentially capable of reducing chronic pain by boosting tissue elasticity and lubricating painful joints.
Add 1tbsp of liquid pectin to your drink of choice and take it twice a day. Arthritic people may get the greatest benefits from combining pectin with grape juice, as it has anti-inflammatory properties.
10. Change Your Diet To Promote Weight Loss:
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The heavier you are, the more pressure your weight puts on your painful joints. Consequently, studies show that cultivating a slim physique is intimately connected with a substantial drop in reported aches and pains.
Since it can be difficult to engage in vigorous exercises when your body is sore, it might be more effective to focus on a lower calorie diet and a dramatically reduced sugar intake. However, swimming is one form of exercise that even people with joint pain can enjoy, as the water supports those damaged or inflamed parts of your body.

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