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Top 12 Home Remedies For Colon Cleansing

Among the important body functions, that help a human to stay healthy and fit, one of the significant ones comes in the form of the digestive system. Colon is a part of digestive system that is responsible for extracting the water and salt (to maintain body’s electrolyte balance) from the solid (matter) wastes prior to release by eliminating the toxins from our body.If the colon doesn’t function properly due to certain wastes and toxins cling on its walls, then they will a build – up of harmful toxins along the colon walls.

These results in headache, low energy level, vomiting, weight gain, skin allergy, constipation, joint pains, indigestion, fatigue, diarrhea, vision problems, loss of memory, stress, bloating, etc. If proper care is not taken on time, then it leads to various diseases like heart problems, asthma, gall bladder stones, skin allergies, kidney and liver ailments.
The good news according to professionals is that cleansing of the colon system from time to time is a good way to eliminate all wastes in an effective manner. For the very same purpose, there is nothing better than using some home remedies and treatments on a routine basis.
1. Apple Juice:
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Fresh apple juice is one of the good old remedies that helps in complete cleansing of the colon system. Apple juice helps in stimulating the bowels as well as helps in breaking the toxins. Unfiltered glass of juice should be taken early in the morning followed by a glass of water after half an hour. This can be done 2-3 times during the entire day.
2. Drinking Water:
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Water is one of the easiest and the simplest ways to flush out the toxins from the body and regulate the functions. Having about 10-12 glasses of water helps in cleansing the entire system including the colon. Along with waste, all the toxins will be treated. It will keep the body hydrated as a dual benefit.
3. Seas Salt and Water for Colon Cleanse:
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Boil two liters of water and add one tablespoon of sea salt to this water. Once the salt dissolves completely, add another tablespoon of sea salt little by little to the water.Thereafter bring down the temperature of the water to a lukewarm level. Drink this water within an hour and this will help you to cleanse your colon effectively.
4) Lemon Juice:
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Both the high levels of vitamin C as well as antioxidants in lemon juice helps in achieving the goals of colon cleansing. Lemon juice with sea salt and honey in a glass of water should be taken early in the morning on an empty stomach for maximum benefits on colon cleansing. Lemon juice can also be mixed with apple juice for same outcomes.
5) Flax Seeds:
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Flaxseeds are those natural foods that has laxatives and that helps in stimulating the bowel movements in an easy way. Along with natural fibre’s it has omega fatty 3 acids that can help cleansing of the colon. It also absorbs some water to increase space in the colon and thus clear the mucus and toxins in the perfect manner. Include flaxseeds in various dishes for the results.
6) Psyllium:
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Psyllium husk, a mild laxative, is kept in many homes as an essential remedy for colon cleanse. Take 2 tbsp of this husk at night after the meals, followed by two glasses of water. Drinking of water is important; otherwise the result of this home remedy will be constipation. You may take it continuously only for three days. After that take a break and then resume.
7) Yogurt Benefits:
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Yogurt has good bacteria also known as probiotics that helps in keeping good health in a home remedial manner. This good bacteria kills the bad bacteria in the colon along with cleansing the toxins. It also helps in improving digestion to help achieve goals of colon cleansing easily.
8) Fiber Rich Foods:
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To cleanse the colon from harmful toxins and waste, the best is to add fiber rich foods in the diet. These helps in adding bulk to the stools and help them pass smoothly and conveniently. Fruits and vegetables are some of the best ones to include in the daily diet for the purpose.
9) Epsom Salt:
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As per the Epsom Salt council, it is a natural colon cleanser. Epsom salt can be mixed with water and consumed twice a day. The package that you buy will have instructions for its use. It should be used sparingly, because the laxatives may disturb the natural balance of the electrolytes in the body.
10) Vegetable Juice:
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Fresh juice from the vegetables can be extracted and should be had for 2-3 days for colon cleansing in an effective way.
11) Aloe Vera:
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Aloe Vera has colon cleansing properties. You just need to extract the fresh gel and mix it well in a grinder with lemon juice. This should be kept in the refrigerator for cooling and then have it 2-3 times in a day for maximum outputs.
12) Ginger:
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Ginger as a natural product has loads of benefits for the body including that of colon cleansing and removal of harmful toxins. You can have some ginger juice or else have a cup of ginger tea to get maximum results.

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