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Top 10 Home Remedies To Increase Breast Milk

The low supply of breast milk can be the result of some particular illnesses, birth-control pills, changes of hormone in your body, deficiency of nutrition, incorrect baby’s latching position as well as irregular breastfeeding because of cracked nipples.

Insufficiency of breast milk can increase the risk of your baby to malnutrition[1], weak immunity, poor memory as well as other health conditions.
Due to the utmost importance of the breast milk toward infants as well as newborn babies, it must be the number one priority to ensure the supply of breast milk is stable and increasing.
1. Parsley:
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The leaves of parsley are always deemed as the finest one in the list of home remedies to increase breast milk. You can take the parsley leaves to boil then wrap them in a clean cloth. Apply the leaves onto the breasts as it will help release pus.
2. Spinach:
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The reason for including this vegetable in the list of home remedies to increase breast milk is its richness of iron which are extremely important for boosting up production of milk.
3. Asparagus:
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It is essential for breastfeeding mothers to consume for foods which are rich of estrogens in order to boost up the production of milk. Therefore, asparagus from the list of home remedies to increase breast milk can be the perfect candidate[14]. The tryptophan from asparagus is considered an important amino acid for the process of producing breast milk as it increases prolactin levels which is the hormone in charge of lactation. You can include asparagus in your daily cooking.
4. Carrot and Beetroot:
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They both contain high amount of beta-carotene which is essential for improve the supply of breast milk. Furthermore, beta-carotene is extremely beneficial for the development and growth of newborns. Additionally, those vegetables are rich of nutrients and minerals which are needed by nursing mothers. Therefore, they are qualified to be in the list of home remedies to increase breast milk.
5. Oatmeal:
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It is the food that you must have in the list of home remedies to increase breast milk. As deficiency of iron is the major reason for lacking of breast milk, oatmeal which is abundant in iron can help new mothers calm down and alleviate stress.
6. Drumstick:
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Also known under the name “sahjan”, it is the green vegetable which contains numerous essential nutrients that promote the activities of mammary glands and encourage the breast veins to open up for better circulation. As a result, breast milk will be increase in no time. That is the reason why this vegetable can make the list of home remedies to increase breast milk.
7. Basil:
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This herb is something you cannot ignore in the list of home remedies to increase breast milk. It is extremely effective at stimulate flow of milk while calming the new mothers’ nerves. Also containing iron, thiamine, niacin and carotene, basil will be able to strengthen the health of both the baby and the mother.
8. Garlic:
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Considered as an incredible galactagogue in the list of home remedies to increase breast milk, garlic can effectively promote lactation[11]. It is proven that nursing mothers who consume garlic will be able to have prolong period of breastfeeding and also garlic is able to induce the baby to like the milk.
9. Fennel Seeds:
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Another seeds which is equally effective as fenugreek from the list of home remedies to increase breast milk is none other than fennel seeds. It can work as galactogogue which is the substance in charge of improving the production of breast milk in your body.
10. Fenugreek:
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This is an excellent ingredient in the list of home remedies to increase breast milk as it is able to stimulate the glands responsible for producing milk. With phytoestrogens which can encourage production of milk, fenugreek can promote the activities of mammary glands.

Tips to Increase Breast Milk:

  • Daily eating small quantities of Thymol Seeds benefits you in the production of breast milk. This is very useful traditional home remedy to increase breast milk naturally.
  • Drinking of water mixed with 15 to 20 ml juice extracted from Asparagus racemosus (Satavari) roots helps in the increasing of breast milk supply.
  • Mixture of deep fried cumin seeds, 5 grams of rock salt and 4 elaichi. Eating of this mixture will helps to increase breast milk. This is one of the easiest homemade home remedy to increase breast milk.
  • Eating of more garlic added curries with food can helps in the production of more breast milk.
  • Heating the fresh leaves of Castor oil tree and touching these heated leaves on breast once in every 2 seconds till it lasts its heat. Which helps to increase the production of breast milk. This is very natural home remedy to increase breast milk after delivery.

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