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Top 15 Natural Home Remedies For Obesity

1. Herbal Home Remedy Fennel for Obesity:
Fennel is a herbal home remedy for obesity that has been used since ancient times to reduce appetite. It was also used traditionally to prevent ‘growling stomachs’.
2. Green Tea for Weight Loss:
Green Tea is an expert when it comes to weight loss. It has to be used continuously for visible results without dieting or weight loss pills. Just add one to three cups of green tea to your daily routine and you will see the results in just a few days.
3. Vinegar Water to Fight Obesity:
Take a bottle of water and add a teaspoon of vinegar to it. Keep it in fridge. Take a few sips a day. This will show a good result.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon Juice Combination to Lose Weight:
Add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with one teaspoon of lemon juice for every cup of water. The water will keep you hydrated while the apple cider vinegar will boost your metabolism. Lemon juice makes the vinegar taste a little more bearable. You can also prepare it for day at once.
5. Dandelion Herbs Home Remedy for Losing Weight:
Dandelion is a very nutritious herb. It contains substantial levels of vitamins A, C, D, and B complex and iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, manganese, copper, chlorine, calcium, boron and silicon, all in one place. The bitter principle of dandelion stimulates digestion, including the secretion of salivary and gastric juices.
6. Natural Home Made Remedies for Weight Loss using Peppermint:
Mints have been used for hundreds of years to promote healthy digestion. Peppermint is an herb of the mint family. It relaxes the muscles of the digestive tract and stimulates the natural flow of digestive juices and bile, thereby assisting the body to digest and process food efficiently. It also calms stomach to improve digestion.
7. Use of Apple Cider Vinegar to Loose Obesity:
Before sleeping, you can drink a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar. This will burn your body fats while you are asleep.
8. Honey for Weight Loss:
your day with honey. Mix a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice to a glass of hot water. Drink this water. Make sure that the water is as hot as bearable.
9. Drink Hot Water to Loose Extra Fat:
If you switch to hot water instead of cold water, you tend to lose weight much more easily. Hot water eliminates all the fats from vessels that cold water cannot. After your meals, drink (bearable) hot water to lose weight. Make sure to keep at least 30 minutes gap between meal and water. Do not drink water immediately after eating.
10. Change Your Eating Habits to Beat Obesity:
To deal with obesity, try to change your lifestyle. Drink a lot of water throughout the day. Increase fruits intake such as papaya, pineapple and apples as they contain a lot of beneficial vitamins and minerals that our bodies require and avoid fruits like banana that provide fats to your body.
11. Meditation for Weight Loss:
out some time for yourself. Meditate daily. Stop stressing as it causes fats build premises near your stomach, thighs and hips. If you are religious turn off every single electronic communication in your house and talk to God.
12. Avoid Tea and Coffee to Get Rid of Obesity:
should have tea or coffee twice a day, no more than twice a day. Avoid taking sugar in them. If possible, do not have coffee as also makes a person fat and lazy.
13. Drink Water to fight with Obesity:
While working out, it is very necessary to keep your body hydrated by nourishing it with water from time to time. Drink loads of water, as much as you can. Water loss occurs due to sweat, which can be fulfilled by drinking water and passing out all unwanted harmful material out of body.
14. Oats Help Lose Weight:
oats for breakfast with 2tsp sugar. Add some apples to enhance taste and essential nutrients as well.
15. Consult a Dietician or Nutrition Expert for Proper Diet Plan:
Consulting a dietician or nutrition expert will help you calculate the correct number of calories required by your body and also help you develop a diet plan that best suits you.

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