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Top 8 Home Remedies for Post Nasal Drip

Post nasal drip is a condition resulting from excessive mucus production in the airways. It can be determined by a viral or bacterial infection, by allergies or by external factors. When post nasal drip is caused by an underlying illness it requires medical treatment, but there are also home remedies which can make you feel better.

The inside of your throat, nose and airways is normally covered in mucus for protection. Under normal circumstances, you are not even aware of this mucus because it drips in the back of your throat unnoticeable.
There are cases though when the body produces more mucus or when this is thicker than normal. This usually comes out in the form of a runny nose, but there are also cases when it gets down your throat. The condition is called post nasal drip and it is very annoying.
There are numerous factors which can cause post nasal drip. Some of them require medical treatment, others are temporary and in some cases home remedies might help. For instance, post nasal drip might occur when you experience bacterial infections or viral infections such as the cold or the flu.
In such cases doctors usually prescribe adequate medication. Post nasal drip can also be the result of allergies, of eating spicy foods or of exposing yourself to irritants like chemicals or perfume. Side effects of certain pills can include post nasal drip and this is also common among pregnant women.
Post nasal drip is usually accompanied by symptoms like sore throat or chronic coughing. Treatment for this condition highly depends on its causes. Bacterial or viral infections for instance might be dangerous to treat at home. Still, there are cases when home remedies for post nasal drip can make you feel better.
1. Increase The Intake Of Vitamin C:
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Enhance the levels of Vitamin C in your body to stay safe from this condition. Take fresh fruits and vegetables as a part of your diet that is rich in Vitamin C. Include cabbage, lemon, grapes, lettuce, strawberries and raspberries to increase the amount of Vitamin C in the body.
2. Salt Water :
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Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of water and gargle with the mixture. It will help you get rid of the sore throat.
3. Consume Hot Soups:
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Include a lot of hot soups in your diet to stay away from the symptoms of nasal drip. It helps to get relieved from running nose and other symptoms. Take the soup with a bit of pepper and chilly as it would drain away the excess mucous in your throat.
4. Baking Soda :
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Mix a cup of water with a pinch of baking soda and a teaspoon of salt. Take a bulb syringe and squirt several drops in each nostril, once at a time. Keep your head tilted and close the back of your palate. Move your head back and forth for a few seconds in order for the solution to reach the sinus cavities and then blow your nose. You can repeat the procedure up to eight times a day while experiencing post nasal drip and you can also do it once or twice a day as a prevention method.
5. Chew Ginger For Relief:
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Ginger is an effective remedy for post nasal drip condition. You can chew ginger pieces along with salt to stay relieved from this condition. You can also prepare ginger tea by boiling a cup of boiling water and adding a tea spoon of crushed ginger to it. Now close the lid and allow it to seep in the water for a few minutes. Strain it well and consume by adding honey for sweetness.
6. Pay Atention To Your Environment :
Make sure the air in your house is humid enough and that there is no smoke. If post nasal drip is the result of allergies, keep the house clean and avoid objects which accumulate allergens and pets.
7. Drink Plenty Of Fluids :
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If you are dehydrated, the mucus in your body becomes thicker, so you should avoid this situation.
8. Nasal Decongestants :
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They are indeed a quick fix, but you shouldn’t use them for long.
Things To Avoid:
 Avoid air-conditioned environment when you are suffering from Post Nasal Drip as it aggravates runny nose.
• Avoid dairy foods. They create excess mucus.
• Avoid stress. Chill out as sinus is the part of nervous system. Stress at nervous system leads to Post Nasal Drip. Take rest and relax.
• Do not sleep on your back.
• Use steroid medications only in severe conditions. Serious side effects are associated with steroids.
• Avoid shower due to potential burning of skin. Steam bath is highly effective simple therapy in this condition, especially for pregnant women.
• Avoid cold drinks and ice-creams.

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