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Top 9 Most Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is a fungus, mold or yeast that thrives in a dark, warm, moist environment. While wondering how to get rid of toenail fungus, don’t forget to consider natural remedies alongside prescription medications. Wearing certain types of shoes can cause the perfect conditions for a fungus to grow and spread. When toenail fungus sets in, you may notice a yellowing of the toenail and surrounding area, your nail may start to crumble and split, and if not properly treated you may lose the nail altogether.

Luckily, toenail fungus is treatable with things you probably already have in your kitchen cupboards or around the house. For all of these treatments, start out by removing as much of the dead and affected nail as possible with a sharp pair of nail scissors.
How To Identify Toenail Fungus?
Usually, it starts with a yellow/white spot at the nail tip. If this appears, it is a sign of the initial stage of the infection.
With time the nails start becoming thick and dark, and may even begin cracking. This is because the fungus is growing. You may even notice that the shape of the nail is changing and it becomes dull.
The fungal growth can also cause detachment of nails off the nail bed, and this can cause uneasiness. If you don’t take any remedial action, it could remain there forever. In fact, it may also return after being treated.
Top Most Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus:
1. Tea Tree Oil:
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Tea tree oil is reckoned as one of the top effective home remedies for toenail fungus with anti-bacterial features aiding in confronting the fungus. Therefore, this oil is a good ingredient for how to treat toenail fungus, and also beneficial for treatment of numerous skin-related ailments, such as ringworm.
2. Listerine Mouthwash:
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Mouthwash has a similar effect on toes as it does on the inside of your mouth — it’s there to kill bacteria and freshen things up, Top 10 Home Remedies explains. The alcohol included in mouthwash can help drive fungus away. A daily 30-minute soak of Listerine mouthwash, or of a 1:1 ratio of mouthwash and white vinegar, might work.
3. Borax Powder (Boric Acid):
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Borax and baking soda also make a useful combination withing the home remedies for toenail fungus. Specifically, they can eradicate the most types of bacteria that dwell in your body. Wash your infected areas and rub this mixture on your toenail.
4. Lemon Juice:
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Lemon juice is a natural anti-septic and anti-fungal agent. Its acidic properties help balance the pH levels of the body or the skin where it is applied so that the fungus cannot thrive there. To be particular, the citric acid in lemon juice helps eliminate toenail fungus from flourishing and spreading.
5. Garlic:
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Garlic comprises substance like allicin and ajoene owing anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory features assisting in fighting against toenail fungus. By applying this treatment on how to cure toenail fungus, you will quickly get rid of the discomforts and annoyance that the condition causes.
Grind some cloves of garlic and pour some vinegar. Scrub this paste on your toenail and cover up by a piece of clean cloth. Let it sit for a half hour and take out this cloth. Wash your hand as normal by soap.
You can add more garlic as spice in your daily meals to enhance immune system.
With the marvelous effects of garlic, you can thoroughly get rid of toenail fungus.
6. Baking Soda:
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Baking soda again helps maintain pH levels of the skin around nails. Baking Soda or the Sodium Bicarbonate is obtained from a natural occurring mineral. It is very mild on skin and has wonderful effect on fungal infections.
7. Orange Oil:
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It is considered as one of the best home remedies for toenail fungus. However, test it on your small skin first, since a lot of people are allergic to orange oil.
Drop some orange oil on your infected skin. You can use carrier oil, such as grape seed oil. Let it steep for a half hour and rinse off with fresh water. Try to carry out this manner for several times per day.
8. Turmeric:
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Turmeric has been used in India and China for its medicinal properties since ages. It has this compound called cur-cumin which grants this spice herb its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Turmeric oil also has effective function against yeast and fungus. Many studies have shown that pathogenic fungi growth can be inhibited by turmeric oil.
9. Manuka Oil:
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Manuka oil brings out the best benefits as an optimal treatment for how to cure toenail fungus. Pour several drops of this herbal oil and rub them directly in the affected toenail. Wrap your nail by a bandage and let it steep for a haft hour.
An alternative method is to soak your hands or feet into solution of manuka oil with water. The effect will come immediately.
With the help of natural ingredients in your kitchen, you can treat your ailment effectively. However, the effect of each remedy hangs on the reaction of each person. If you don’t see the progress of any method, you can turn to others.

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