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Washing Your Face Before Bed ,Makeup Removal

We have all had those exhausting days that left us so tired that the mere thought of removing our makeup never even crossed our mind, or maybe our laziness just got the best of us.  Every now and then we may just forget to remove it! Regardless, this is unacceptable for all beauty goers out there! Here’s why…

Our skin is a living, breathing organ and it uses the time we sleep to rebuild and replenish itself. Skin has different metabolic processes going on during sleep, including cellular repair and replacement. To do this successfully, the skin needs to be free of obstructions that clog pores, like makeup! Washing your face on a regular basis ensures its healthiness and vitality, and moreover to avoid acne, clogged pores, dryness, and/ or excess oil from developing.
Depending on how heavy the application, using a makeup remover or cleansing cloth may be necessary to take off mascara and other eye makeup. If absolutely necessary, use a cleansing cloth for a quick fix when you are unable to make it to the bathroom to rinse your face.
Since we have previously discussed the potential dangers of applying conventional industry makeup to our skin, it is apparent that makeup already exposes our skin to all kinds of chemicals and harsh ingredients. Leaving makeup on during sleep exposes our skin to toxic ingredients for a prolonged time, which is the time our skin is trying to renew and replenish itself which is why washing your face is so important.
Washing your face on a regular basis ensures its healthiness and vitality. It helps avoid acne, clogged pores, dryness, and excess oil from developing.

During the day, we wear makeup to cover up unwanted discolorations and blemishes, as well as mask fine lines. But it is also during the day that we are also exposed to numerous environmental toxins that build up onto our skin.  Our skin gets hit with free radicals, UV rays, dirt, and pollution from the environment which sinks into our pores and puts stress on our skin. Basically, not cleansing off the gunk that settles on your face during the day will undoubtedly cause premature aging of the skin and breakouts. This is completely contradictory as to why we bought the makeup in the first place…to enhance our beauty and hide these unwanted skin imperfections, not make them worse!
While your body is resting, the skin goes through the process of replacing dead and damaged cells and creates new ones to take their place. When makeup is interrupting this process from happening, it is very unlikely that the skin’s cells will be able rejuvenate effectively and will result in appearance of unwanted blemishes and uneven skin discolorations. While our body is in a deep state of sleep, our blood is constantly being distributed throughout the body, allowing the skin’s cells to target wrinkles and redness naturally. Use this time to let your body do what it needs to achieve the beauty sleep you deserve, and don’t let makeup get it the way. Do your gorgeous face a favor and wash it before you go to sleep!!!

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