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20 Best Home Remedies To Stop Hair Fall

We all want to have gorgeous and healthy hair but most of us are the victims of hair loss due to which our dreams of having beautiful hair become distant. But, stopping hair fall is not that difficult, it just requires a bit of efforts.

A lot of factors come into play when we talk about how to stop hair fall. If you take enough care of your hair and maintain them on daily routine basis, like a habit, then undoubtedly your hair fall will stop and you will have healthy and shiny hair. To know how, just read on.
Abnormal hair loss is a metabolic disorder. Papilla, an up growth at the base of follicle produces hair. A group of cells turn amino acids into keratin. The rate of production of keratin determines the rate of hair growth.
1. Coconut Oil and Lime:
20 Best Home Remedies to Stop Hair Fall 1
Coconut oil and lime water or lime juice , mixed and applied on hair daily , helps in preventing hair loss
2. Onion Juice:
20 Best Home Remedies to Stop Hair Fall 2
Onion is an excellent home cure for hair loss and to treat patchy baldness. Grate onion and squeeze out the juice, apply this to the scalp and leave it on for about one hour and rinse it off with a mild shampoo. This helps in hair growth. For baldness , rub the affected part with onions in the morning and evening till it is red, and rub honey over it later.
3. Alfalfa:
20 Best Home Remedies to Stop Hair Fall 3
Alfalfa juice, mixed with equal quantities of carrot and lettuce juices, taken daily is very helpful in hair growth.
4. Fenugreek Seed:
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Fenugreek, also known as methi, is highly effective in treating hair loss. Its seeds contain hormone antecedents that enhance hair growth. They help rebuilding hair follicles.
Make a paste of fenugreek seeds and apply it on your hairs. Leave it for at least 30-40 minutes before washing. Repeat it daily for a month to get result.
5. Beetroot:
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Take some water, add beetroot leaves and henna in it. Boil the mixture; and later, apply it on the scalp. Keep it for 15 minutes. Rinse with fresh water. Do this three to four times a week to nourish your strands. You can also include its juice in your everyday diet for healthy hair and accelerate their growth.
6. Honey:
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Take two tbsp each of olive oil and honey, and a tbsp of cinnamon powder. Mix all the ingredients properly to obtain smooth texture. Apply it on your locks, and keep it for 30 minutes. Do this once a week to obtain effective results.
7. Lime Seeds:
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Crush dried lime seeds and add grounded pepper to it. Combine both ingredients and add water to form a smooth paste. Massage your hair with this paste. Doing this once a week will provide significant results
8. Aloe Vera:
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Enzymes in aloe vera promote healthy hair along with hair growth. The alkalizing property of aloe balances the pH level of scalp, and prevents dryness or any infection. Apply fresh aloe vera gel directly on the scalp.Leave it on for a few hours and then wash it off with warm water.
Repeat the process three to four times a week.Moreover, you can consume one tablespoon of aloe vera juice on an empty stomach to enhance the effectiveness of above treatment.Mix sodium chloride and aloe vera gel. Apply it on your locks to prevent excessive hair fall.
9. Essential Oil:
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Massage your scalp with an essential oil twice a week. They strengthen the roots of hair, and enhance the blood circulation which promotes hair growth. For instance, you can use coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, lavender oil, rosemary oil, etc.
10. Coriander Leaves:
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Crush some coriander leaves to make a thick paste. Spread it on your strands to prevent the problem of hair fall.
11. Curry Leaves:
20 Best Home Remedies to Stop Hair Fall 11
In order to prevent baldness, rinse your hair with curry leaves water. Simply, boil a handful of curry leaves; and allow it to cool. Use this solution to fix all your hair woes.
12. Henna:
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This herb encloses the hair shaft with a shielding layer that protects it from any damage. The powdered form of this herb is easily available in the market. Use as per the requirement of hair length; and add water to make a smooth paste. Then, leave it for 3 hours.
Afterwards, beat one egg, squeeze a lemon and pour some olive oil in the above paste. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, and spread it all over your hair. Keep it for 45 minutes and rinse with water. Use shampoo to deep cleanse your scalp.
13. Margosa Leaves:
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Take a handful of margosa leaves. Boil crushed leaves in four cups of water. Allow the solution to cool down. Strain afterwards. Rinse your hair with this solution.
14. Potato Water:
20 Best Home Remedies to Stop Hair Fall 14
Boil some potatoes in water. Strain the water and keep potatoes aside. Allow it to cool down. After shampooing, simply rinse your hair with potato water. This remedy will nourish your hair, and also give you longer hair.
15. Alcohol and Pepper:
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Take 45 ml of alcohol or vodka, and sprinkle a teaspoon of grounded pepper. Now add warm water to this mixture. Rinse your scalp with this concoction once a week.
16. Myrtle leaves:
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Soak the myrtle leaves overnight and use the water for massaging the hair and scalp. Keep for some time, by securing it with a wrap and wash off using warm or cold water. For better results, do this daily for about two weeks.
17. Hibiscus Leaves:
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Take hibiscus leaves and add lemon juice and a glass of hot water . strain this and apply it thoroughly to the hair before shampooing it.
18. Orange and Lemon Peel:
20 Best Home Remedies to Stop Hair Fall 18
Take orange and lemon peel and soak it in water and wash the hair with this water. This will keep the dandruff away and also help in keeping the hair soft.
19. Pigeon Peas:
20 Best Home Remedies to Stop Hair Fall 19
Pigeon peas is effective home cure for loss of hair. Take pigeon peas and red gram and make a paste and apply on the patches , to treat loss of hair.
20. Castor Oil:
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Castor oil also is a very useful home cure for hair loss. Apply castor oil twice daily for some weeks to prevent hair loss.
Home Remedies To Stop Hair Fall Tips:
  • Coconut oil, rosemary oil, brahmi and bhringraj oil, vitamin E oil all these oils are best for hair scalp massage always massage gently.
  • Grind fenugreek seeds in water and apply on your scalp. Wash off after 30 minutes or 1 hour. Do it for 1 month and helps you do it every day until full satisfaction.
  • Massage warm castor oil mixed with almond oil into your scalp gently. Wrap a hot towel around your scalp so it gets absorbed into the hair. Do this 2 or 3 times a week
  • Boil curry leaves with coconut oil until leaves turn black. Strain the oil, and store in a bottle and use this oil for massage daily.
  • After washing your hair, try not to be rough while you are drying your hair with a towel. It is also a good idea to switch to using old tee shirts to dry the hair.
  • Home remedies take time but definitely work. Use one of the juices extracted from either onion, ginger or garlic. Apply and leave this juice overnight and rinse thoroughly next morning.
  • Avoid using shampoos that have sulphates and parabens. Try using organic shampoos and or Soapnut (reetha) to wash your hair.
  • Do not comb your hair when they are wet. Let them dry and then use a shampoo comb to brush them.

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