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Top 9 Health Benefits of Green Tea With Lemon

Before we discuss the benefits of green tea with lemon, you should know its origins. Green tea, which originated in China is one of the healthiest drinks. This tea is prepared from the leaves of Camellia sinensis. It undergoes minimal oxidation during preparation; as a result it retains a high value of flavonoids. Flavonoids are a group of phytochemicals found in plants, which fight diseases. Green tea is also rich in catechin, which helps in reducing cholesterol and eventually blood pressure.

It is also known that regular consumption of green tea can help in averting heart diseases and certain types of cancers. A sure shot way of dealing with problems like high blood pressure, diabetes and increased weight – is to have a cup of green tea every day. It is advised to have green tea with lemon to extract more benefits from it. Also green tea with lemon is tastier than the good old brewed leaves drink.
1. Helps in Weight loss:
Polyphenols and caffeine in green tea can actually stimulate fat oxidation and increase the metabolic rate by 4%. This means you burn more calories and digest fats quickly. Green tea with lemon thus alters the metabolism and helps you lose weight at a steady rate.
2. A Boon for Diabetics:
Catechins in green tea can help in keeping the blood sugar levels stable in diabetics. Catechin-rich beverages are known to benefit type 2 diabetes patients. The insulin secretion ability increases significantly on consuming green tea with lemon for 3 months.
3. Aids In Digestion:
Green tea with lemon juice is known to be a powerful aid in digestion. The juice of this wonderful citrus fruit gives your body the acids it needs to promote healthy digestion. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals that are helpful in removing toxins that get accumulated in the digestive tract. The citric acid present in lemon juice also helps in the production of enzymes that are necessary for healthy digestion.
4. Prevents Heart Disease:
Green tea is also believed to be highly effective in preventing cardiovascular disease. There has been research that suggests you can lower the levels of triglycerides and LDL cholesterol by drinking this delicious beverage. Adding a splash of lemon juice helps the body to better absorb the antioxidants present in green tea, thus making it more effective in keeping heart disease away.
5. Detoxifies:
Lemon acts as a natural diuretic. This means that it helps in flushing toxins out of your body. Therefore, it detoxifies your body and prevents the symptoms of indigestion such as bloating, acid reflux, etc.
6. Promotes Dental Health:
The EGCG that is found in green tea has been found to have a powerful effect against bacteria known as Streptococcus mutans (4), which is found in the mouth. This nutrient is used in many dental products, but you can gain the benefits mostly by regularly drinking green mixed with a little bit of lemon juice. Research has shown that the antibacterial properties of this beverage also help in fighting other dangerous dental bacteria (5).
7. Builds Immunity:
Green tea has many health benefits of its own, but when it is mixed with lemon juice, it gains even more goodness. One of the many benefits of drinking green tea with lemon is the boosting of your body’s immunity. This is because of the high content of antioxidants and vitamin C in the beverage. Regular consumption of the beverage helps you keep diseases and illnesses away.
8. Source of Brain Nutrition:
Your brain also needs its nutrition like other body parts. People who drink green tea regularly have improved brain activity. Another benefit of drinking green tea with lemon is that it blocks the formation of plaques, which cause Alzheimer’s disease.
9. Keeps Skin Clear:
When your body is well-hydrated and detoxified, you naturally gain clear and glowing skin. Vitamin C boosts the production of collagen, which is a protein that helps in the growth of the skin’s cells and blood vessels. When cells and blood vessels grow properly, your skin gains firmness and strength. This vitamin also helps your skin repair itself. Your skin gets rejuvenated from within and gives you a healthy glow. According to research, it also protects your skin against damage caused by the exposure to UV rays.
How Safe Is Green Tea?
Green tea is safe to drink, but it is important not to consume too much of it. Like everything, it is best in moderation. This beverage has become extremely popular in recent years, but with all its goodness, it also comes with a dark side. Here is a brief look at some of the effects of drinking too much green tea:
• A number of health problems can crop up if you drink more than 3 to 5 cups of green tea a day. These problems include insomnia, nausea, diarrhoea, restlessness etc.
Pregnant women should not drink more than 2 cups of this beverage in a day, as it can increase the risk of miscarriages and other problems. Lactating women should also keep away from green tea as the caffeine in it can get passed into the breast milk and affect the baby.
• Green tea can have adverse effects on the body when it is combined with any medication that you are prescribed. It is best to talk to your doctor if it is safe to drink it while taking your medication.
• Drinking an excessive amount of green tea can have an effect on the amount of calcium that is flushed out with urine. This will obviously cause a deficiency of calcium, which you can compensate with calcium supplements.
As mentioned earlier, it is not green tea that is unsafe, it is its excessive consumption. You can drink it regularly, but remember not to exceed 5 cups a day. You should also remember to consult your healthcare provider before you include it in your daily diet to make sure that it does not interfere with your medication, or cause any problem to you.

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